Diesel price in Bangladesh per litre

Fuel USD per litre Change
D2 $0.438
D6 $0.435
EN590 10ppm EURO 5 $0.44
EN590 50ppm EURO 4 $0.436
ULSD $0.44
D3 $0.436
D4 $0.435
D5 $0.435
EN590 10ppm EURO 6 $0.442

Diesel D2 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date D2 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.648
2022-02-18 $0.642
2022-02-17 $0.64
2022-02-16 $0.662
2022-02-15 $0.644
2022-02-14 $0.661
2022-02-11 $0.654
2022-02-10 $0.653
2022-02-09 $0.647
2022-02-08 $0.634

Diesel D6 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date D6 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.644
2022-02-18 $0.638
2022-02-17 $0.636
2022-02-16 $0.658
2022-02-15 $0.641
2022-02-14 $0.658
2022-02-11 $0.65
2022-02-10 $0.649
2022-02-09 $0.643
2022-02-08 $0.63

Diesel EN590 10ppm EURO 5 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date EN590 10ppm EURO 5 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.651
2022-02-18 $0.645
2022-02-17 $0.643
2022-02-16 $0.666
2022-02-15 $0.648
2022-02-14 $0.665
2022-02-11 $0.658
2022-02-10 $0.657
2022-02-09 $0.65
2022-02-08 $0.637

Diesel EN590 50ppm EURO 4 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date EN590 50ppm EURO 4 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.646
2022-02-18 $0.64
2022-02-17 $0.639
2022-02-16 $0.66
2022-02-15 $0.643
2022-02-14 $0.659
2022-02-11 $0.652
2022-02-10 $0.651
2022-02-09 $0.645
2022-02-08 $0.632

Diesel ULSD history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date ULSD USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.651
2022-02-18 $0.645
2022-02-17 $0.644
2022-02-16 $0.666
2022-02-15 $0.648
2022-02-14 $0.665
2022-02-11 $0.658
2022-02-10 $0.657
2022-02-09 $0.65
2022-02-08 $0.637

Diesel D3 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date D3 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.646
2022-02-18 $0.64
2022-02-17 $0.638
2022-02-16 $0.659
2022-02-15 $0.643
2022-02-14 $0.659
2022-02-11 $0.652
2022-02-10 $0.651
2022-02-09 $0.645
2022-02-08 $0.632

Diesel D4 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date D4 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.645
2022-02-18 $0.639
2022-02-17 $0.637
2022-02-16 $0.658
2022-02-15 $0.642
2022-02-14 $0.658
2022-02-11 $0.651
2022-02-10 $0.65
2022-02-09 $0.644
2022-02-08 $0.631

Diesel D5 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date D5 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.644
2022-02-18 $0.638
2022-02-17 $0.637
2022-02-16 $0.658
2022-02-15 $0.641
2022-02-14 $0.658
2022-02-11 $0.65
2022-02-10 $0.65
2022-02-09 $0.643
2022-02-08 $0.63

Diesel EN590 10ppm EURO 6 history price in Bangladesh per litre

Date EN590 10ppm EURO 6 USD per litre Change
2022-02-21 $0.654
2022-02-18 $0.648
2022-02-17 $0.646
2022-02-16 $0.667
2022-02-15 $0.65
2022-02-14 $0.667
2022-02-11 $0.66
2022-02-10 $0.658
2022-02-09 $0.653
2022-02-08 $0.639

EN 590 10 PPM

  • ORIGIN: Russian
  • LOADING PORT: Rotterdam
  • PRODUCT: EN 590 10ppm
  • Quantity: 50 000 MT / per month
  • FOB price: Gross USD -20$ per MT / NET USD -15 per MT
  • Delivery: Rotterdam
  • PAYMENT TERMS: T/T WIRE TRANSFER & MT103 upon successful inspection
  • INSPECTION: SGS conducted by seller no more than 48 hours old


  1. Buyer issues ICPO
  2. Seller issues Commercial Invoice (CI) for the available quantity in the Seller’s Storage Tank to the Buyer. Buyer signs and returns the CI to the Seller.
  3. The Seller submits to Buyer the following Partial POP documents: a. Tank Storage Receipt with valid barcode & Coordinates where the product is stored at Rotterdam Port
    b. Injection Report
    c. Authority to Verify (ATV)
    d. Commitment to supply
    e. Unconditional Dip Test Authorization (UDTA)
    f. Fresh SGS Report less than 48 hours old
    g. Authority to Sell and Collect (ATSC)
  4. Buyer is given seventy-two (72) hours to verify the product utilizing the ATV and the fresh SGS Report and/or perform Dip Test at the Seller’s Tank at Buyer’s expense if needed.
  5. Within forty-eight (48) hours after successful product verification and/ or Dip Test, Buyer issues 100% TT wire transfer/MT-103 payment for the total cost of the product to the Seller. Within the same prescribed timeline, Buyer also submits their TSA, TSR and Buyer’s Tank Farm NOR (tank to tank injection).
  6. Within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of Buyer’s TSR, TSA and NOR, Seller injects the product into Buyer’s storage tanks at Seller’s expense.
  7. Seller transfers the title and issues the remaining documents.

Certificate on Diesel en590 10 ppm

Source: Diesel price Bangladesh

  1. 1. http://indexmundi.com
  2. 1. https://tradingeconomics.com
  3. 3. https://www.eia.gov/
Max Nevzorov
Max Nevzorov

Studied at the University of Portsmouth (London) Worked in 3 consulting agencies and 2 trading agencies. Been selling diesel for over 10 years.

Information about buyers and sellers UREA 46